Welcome to EvoBib
This databases offers 4564 references dealing with computer-assisted language comparison in a broad sense. In addition, the database offers 8364 distinct quotes collected from 5063 references. The majority of the references in the quote database overlaps with those in the bibliographic database. The quotes are organized by keywords and can browsed with a full text and a keyword search.
The data (references and quotes) underlying each new release can also be downloaded from Zenodo.
Release: 1.8.0 Date August 22, 2024 DOI: Author: Johann-Mattis List -
Browse 4564 References
No values selected. -
Browse 8364 Quotes in 5063 References
No values selected. -
About the Reference Browser
This is a collection of references, collected as part of my research since 2014. The references are ordered by bibliographic keys, which correspond to the keys assigned by the EvoBib bibliography, and further annotated by adding inline comments, external comments, page range, as well as a selection of keywords. The tool was intended to serve as some kind of an "external brain" in my research, as it turned out that I could no longer keep up with all the references I read, and I had to organize myself more properly in order to be able to keep track with the large amount of literature that I encountered in daily research. As of now, the data contains as many as 8364 distinct quotes distributed across 5063 references.
I decided to share these quotes publicly when I realized that it was useful in communication with colleagues to be able to point to a quick quote that would illustrate a given point. I think it is needless to say that in using this reference browser as a research tool, one should make sure to really read and check with the references collected so far.
In the future I plan to further extent the tool, so that other colleagues could join in and add their own quotes. For the time being, however, I still test the tool with myself as only editor, to make sure it works easy enough to edit data in this fashion and to display it on the web.